03 May 2010

The Evil Bean

Hooray for caffeine!  As part of our homework, my creative writing teacher asked us to write a poem about - wait for it - coffee.  Knowing a fair bit about the subject of expensive espresso, I had a bunch of ideas, and some extravagant (and, blessedly, fleeting) ideas about being the next Emily Dickinson.  Here's what stuck on the paper when I threw words at it.

Gleaming monster rattles
Comfort, it soothes.

Chatter clink
glass on china.
Drink the world
here's a den.

News rustles in impatient hands.
dinner plans
last week's meeting
first dates
then, of course,
the chairs scrape.

Foam hiss frothy peaks
electric hum
a hive.
Sounds like quiet.

A tethered dog whines 
lowers his head

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